Saturday, February 20, 2021

Blog #7: Diffusion Theory

Rogers' Diffusion Theory describes the process and timeline by which an idea or invention develops and gains more popularity. It has five main stages. The first stage is the pioneer stage. It's all about the very first people to try or use an innovation. The second stage is called the early adopters. This deals with leaders who discover new ideas and want to try them for themselves; they use the product as it was intended to be used. The third stage is called the early majority. The people in this stage are beginning to use the product in a different way than it was originally intended to like journalists or businesses. The fourth stage is called the late adopters. People in this category will only use a product once it has been proven to be successful. A few examples of those in this category are government agencies, activists, and nonprofits. The final stage is called the laggards. The people in this stage are the last to join in on an idea and are sometimes pressured into doing so.

This theory can be applied to any idea or innovation in our world no matter when this innovation took place. It is especially evident when it comes to social media, but let's be a little more specific. Let's look at Tik Tok. Tik Tok didn't even originate as Tik Tok. It started as an app called Originally it was supposed to be used for educational purposes, but when it wasn't doing too well, the creators changed their goal. It became very popular with 13-15 year olds at the time and was used to post lip syncing videos. Eventually, it became known as Tik Tok. The former users decided to go to Tik Tok with the intention of it being just a better version of, but it became much more than that. 

Tik Tok was beginning to take off when big stars like Charli D'Amelio began posting dancing videos. More and more people began to join and post their own videos hoping to have their second of fame. People of all ages are now on Tik Tok and it has become something that its creators could have never even dreamed of. Content creators are even able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of one post. Tik Tok has become a business in itself. Tik Tok is probably one of the most used apps of this day and age and I don't see it's popularity stopping or slowing down anytime soon. 

Social media, Tik Tok in particular, caught on because of its fun and light hearted feel. It allowed for creators on the app to post their original content, socialize with other users, and even make money. It has content for everyone. For example, it has dance challenge videos, puppies, and makeup tutorials. Although there is definitely something that everyone would enjoy, some people just aren't interested or feel that it is too complicated to figure out or don't care to try. There are both positives and negatives for being on social media. For example, social media provides a great platform for users to meet people and see content from all over the world, but it also opens up a way for creators to be harassed and bullied. The great thing about social media and innovations in general is that each individual can decide for themselves whether or not they would like to part take after weighing the pros and cons. 

1 comment:

My Online Presence

I've had an online presence for as long as I can remember. I grew up with social media and, thus, it has always been a large part of my ...